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Crews work night shift on Doak Campbell Stadium construction

Crews working inside Doak on Wednesday night.
Crews working inside Doak on Wednesday night. (Jerry Kutz)

Walking back from the Florida State vs. Florida Softball game Wednesday night to Doak Campbell Stadium, fans noticed the lights were shining brightly in Doak and on the Dunlap Practice Fields, where full crews were burning the midnight oil on both the stadium project and the football operations building. A massive crane lifted steel columns into place on the south end of the west sideline, columns that will one day support concrete seating decks for the 2025 home opener against Alabama.

While the security guards kept us from harms way, they were kind enough to say they’ve begun to work night shifts as a convenience to the faculty, staff and students who inhabit those classroom office buildings and, at times, can’t hear themselves think for the incessant pounding.

“It’s because of exams this week,” said Ben Zierden, FSU Senior Associate Athletic Director. “Campus was concerned about the construction noise so close to the Student Testing Center in Building B (West Sideline) so we moved to night shifts for both projects just for this week.”

The stadium and practice field lighting provides work site illumination and flexible hours for finals week. While FSU plans to resume normal working hours next week, we are reminded those stadium lights could come in handy later if the contractor needs to “extend” daylight hours to keep the project on schedule.

Workers said the night shift was a welcome relief from the heat which reached the 90s in Tallahassee this week.

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