football Edit

Mike Norvell tour begins: First thoughts on DJ Uiagalelei, Tour of Duty

ORLANDO — Mike Norvell began his spring booster tour on Saturday night, speaking to a crowd of more than 350 fans. Prior to his speech, Norvell sat down with a few FSU beat writers to discuss signing Clemson/Oregon State transfer DJ Uiagalelei and Tour of Duty Workouts.

Norvell shared how he first met Uiagalelei years ago at an ACC Kickoff event and the quarterback, then at Clemson, inquired about the injury Winston Wright Jr. suffered as a passenger in a car accident. He also talked on sitting down with Uiagalelei and reviewing three games — Washington State, Oregon and Washington — that showed positives and areas for improvement from the quarterback.

Now going into his fifth season at FSU, the discussion began with the program's offseason Tour of Duty workouts and how he has seen growth in the Seminoles through the years.

Overall thoughts on Tour of Duty offseason workouts

"You see a team that has really entered the offseason with a great purpose. Pushing extremely hard in the weight room. Nutritionally. Obviously what we've been able to do out on the field with those Tour of Duty workouts, it's been great. The workload has increased, all-time high we've had since we've been here. Guys are embracing the work, we're got 20-plus newcomers that have jumped in, doing a really good job. Excited about that group and what they're going to be able to bring to the program. For where we are right now, it's on track to what we were hoping to be able to see. As we jump in to next week and transition to phase two, we’ve got to have that same type of growth. But I like the mindset of the guys."

Why have you seen that drive from the players?

"I think it's continued elevation within the program, understanding the standard. Guys are hungry, they want to go achieve more. When you talk about objective of our program, it’s to get better. Last year was a great run, it was definitely a special year for some of the things that occurred. But it didn't end the way we wanted. At the end of the day, we have a football team with a lot of talented individuals. We've got great young men, great coaching staff. We want to push for more. And to go out there and maximize the opportunity that's ahead. Haven't needed any motivational speeches. They understand the expectation and it's our job as coaches to help show them the things that they can accomplish, the things they can do. And I think we're seeing that in all places, not just in the weight room. Not just on the field. That continued push in the classroom, that continued push socially, giving back even within the community, I think our guys do a really good job of making an impact in and around Tallahassee and I'm proud of them for that too."

Why was Uiagalelei a good fit for FSU?

"I think it's the total package of who he is, the ability that he has, the experiences that he's been through. I really love our quarterback room. Brock Glenn, he got put in a challenging situation there towards the end of last year. Luke (Kromenhoek) coming in as a true freshman, even in his first month. Yes, we haven't been out there on the practice field and all those things, but I just (like) the type of young man, the type of work ethic, the talent and ability that he has, I'm very excited about. DJ brings a seasoned veteran that has been through it all. I think he's been through the highs. He's played at an elite level at times in his career. He has unbelievable potential within his skill set. But he's got a humility, a work ethic, great character."

"I've respected DJ from really my first time ever interacting with him was at ACC media day a few years back. I remember the first thing he came up to me, it was the spring where Winston Wright had gotten in a car accident. They did not have a previous relationship. There was nothing there that tied them together. He just heard the story. And I remember finding coach Swinney afterwards, I was like, ‘Man, that is a real human being.’ For whatever he is as a player and all the things, for him to care about something that he had seen and heard, to have the sentiments to what Winston was going through, that meant a lot to me.

"Obviously, the path of his career, going to Oregon State, we have a lot of connecting pieces with that coaching staff. Coach Smith, talked to him extensively. The offensive coordinator, coach (Brian) Lindgren, hearing the experience they had with him this last year and just the way that they spoke about him, I believe in him, I believe in what he can do. I believe in the person that he brings into our program. Obviously I'm excited to see him continue to work and get better to hopefully have the best year of his college career here at Florida State."

On what DJ and Norvell discussed on his FSU visit

"One of the things that DJ and I did on his official visit, we went and watched three games. Just wanted to hear him talk. A game that he played really, really well, a game that was back and forth and had some good moments and some plays and one that was the most challenging. It's kind of the stamp for me that said, ‘Alright, this is a guy that I can absolutely coach and I believe that we can help but also that he brings the right dynamic and makeup of what we're looking for. And so it's gonna be a little bit of all of it as we move forward and there are certain things that I've got a pretty good sense that he does well just from watching as much as we watched on him. I liked what he saw, what he said, the good and the bad."

On Brock Glenn's performances in two postseason games and how he can grow from those opportunities

"I was really proud of Brock. The bowl game didn't go the way anybody wanted it to go, but even in his game, you saw progression, you saw growth. He missed a good part of the season with an injury where he wasn't even able to practice. For a true freshman that missed some of that time during the year and then being thrust into those stages, what he had to do, you saw him get better. I'm excited about what he brings and obviously the confidence that he was able to gain even through some challenging situations. People think you gain confidence only through the positive. You can gain confidence in sometimes the adversity or setbacks. And I thought that was all good for him. And he's just a great young man. He's had a wonderful first month of our offseason program. Even to start conversations after the game. … I'm excited for where his future can go just because of the maturity that he has and the makeup that he brings. It’s going to be fun."

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