football Edit

Performance Testing Begins

Varsity testing beings today
It's been nearly two years since Florida State varsity players were tested in the 40-yard dash. That will change today. Under the direction of Strength and Conditioning Coach Jon Jost the varsity players in attendance this summer will take part in a variety of exercises designed to test their performance and strength.
Performance testing will being Monday afternoon and will include the 10 and 40-yard dash, vertical jump, broad jump and pro agility (shuttle) run. In addition to the 40 being run over the summer for the first time there will be several other changes to the annual testing. All the times will be recorded electronically (10 and 40) and will take place on the practice fields, not the track.
Check the Tribal Council Board during the day for testing updates!
Last year linebacker Michael Boulware led the way and hopes to defend his title. Here is the top 20 from last summer's performance testing.
Later in the week the players will also have their strength tested. Here are the top 10 results from last year.
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