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Seminole Sidelines: Key points in FSU-ACC case, what's next, mediation

Tallahassee attorney Will Fixel joins Seminole Sidelines to discuss the latest developments and explain terminology in the FSU-ACC case with Osceola publisher Jerry Kutz and editor Bob Ferrante.

We discuss and define topics like ripeness and personal jurisdiction, which were topics in Judge John Cooper's courtroom on Monday. While Cooper ordered the FSU and ACC to sit down and mediate, Fixel explains why that could be more complex than in other cases.

Fixel also joined the Osceola in early April to discuss the case. If you missed it, watch that video here.

Seminole Sidelines is sponsored by, which has built travel packages to help FSU fans enjoy the season opener against Georgia Tech and build fan experiences in and around Dublin in August, as well as Alumni Hall.

Watch or listen to the show below:


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