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Warchant TV: Taggart talks early signing class, QB depth, OC search

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COACH TAGGART: Today is a good day for the Noles, as we continue to build a football program, got some great young men coming into our program that we're really excited about. We feel like we addressed some needs that we needed in our program.Signing day is a day through Friday and I'm sure there's going to be more to come. And then you have a second part of it there that goes through January to the second signing period, which I expect for us to continue to add on to the really good class that we have already. Excited about the guys we have coming in and can't wait to get here.

Q. I know you kind of mentioned this is the first day. But for players who maybe already determined they're not going to sign early, how does the coaching staff perceive them? Is it any negative view at all? Does usually fans want to sign early they get worked up about it, how does the staff perceive them?

COACH TAGGART: Perceive them? Like everything else. It's a tough decision for these young people. And a lifetime decision for them and they've got to make the best decision for themselves and make sure they're comfortable with the decision that they're going to make.And so for guys not spending time here during the early signing period, you can't get mad at them. You've got to respect their decision and keep working, keep recruiting and making sure you give them all the information they need about your school to make sure that that's the place that he wants to be and a place that we want them to be as well.So I don't think you get upset or anything like that. Just gotta keep working. And you know at some point they're going to make a decision. And you keep working and keep the relationships like it's supposed to be, and hopefully that decision will be with you it.

Q. Do you have an expectation of how many more guys between now and Friday, and also exiting this period, what's the biggest needs that you guys have remaining?

COACH TAGGART: You have expectations when it comes to recruiting, anything can happen these next couple of days. And over this next month leading up to February. We only sign the guys we know we're going to sign. There are some guys that will sign with us in February. But I think after going through the signing period we as a staff can regroup and make sure go down the recruiting path the right way and be in the right position we need to.

Q. No quarterback recruits signed so far. But you do have two months. I know you can't talk about individual players and prospects, but are there people, kids you're looking at, because you know Florida State fans are a little bit worried that the kid committed to North Carolina, did you guys see that coming, number one, and do you have -- I don't want to call them backup plans but do you have other irons in the fire at that position?

COACH TAGGART: Yes, Florida State will be fine. We'll get a QB in here. We all like and are excited about and get someone in here that will help us win ball games.

Q. When you came into this recruiting cycle, what were the biggest needs that you identified for this program and how do you think you've done filling them so far?

COACH TAGGART: I think we all know offensive line-wise we needed to fill some holes there. And I thought we did a good job so far. And again we're not finished from that standpoint. I thought linebacker was another area to where we needed to add on and sign (inaudible) today and could improve on that as well. I knew going in we wasn't going to have a big offensive signing day for our guys, it would be more defensive guys going in. But feel good about our needs and what we was able to fill.And again the beauty of this time compared to last year, we had guys going into January it's only a few guys we had to get and you can really focus on the 2020 class, something we wasn't able to get a jump on last year because we were still filling out our class for the 2018 season.So that will give us a jump-start going into this next class.

Q. There were some players that were committed to other programs that seemed to come visit Florida State in the last week or so. How would you kind of characterize their ability, their talent, and how you go about bringing in players that late in the process?

COACH TAGGART: Well, I think a lot of those guys -- you evaluate and you are recruiting always to the end. A lot of those guys, we've been in discussions with them and talking to. And (inaudible) visiting those things, those things happen sporadically for some of them. And I think because of the relationship we've got going, we got those young men to come on campus at a time when they could and it was good for us, too.It was great. I know we only had one official visit weekend. And that was last weekend. And so they all were able to come here.

Q. You have a few guys from South Florida you got signed. And you've also got some other guys out there from South Florida. Could you talk about the staff that you have assembled and how that was a priority, I think, when you put together the staff one of the benefits was you had some connections in South Florida?

COACH TAGGART: Yeah, and it's good to get down there and get some student-athletes from down in South Florida. We know there's some really good football players down there that, a big recruiting base for everyone. You look at Florida State in the past, we've been able to go down there and get some really good football players come here and help our football program.We have some guys on our staff who have relationships down there, and it's always good to have relationships in areas that helps you when it comes to recruiting. And I think it helped us in this recruiting class of getting guys down there and getting kids that we want in our program and will help our program and it helped us going down there this year.

Q. Today you signed three members or three people who played secondary, and then also you have three more commits who also are members of secondary, whether safety or cornerback, how big of a priority was it to improve the secondary, just how big is it for you now depending on what happens with the players committed but haven't signed to have more depth back in the secondary?

COACH TAGGART: That was again an area that we wanted to improve on and, like I said, add to it. Not only add to it, add to some really good football players. And I think for us as a staff and being here for a year now going through the conference and seeing exactly what you're up against, it helps. And I think all those young men that we signed and gonna sign is going to help us going through our conference and our opponents that we're going to have to play against. But they're all very talented. And I think we all understand, in college football nowadays, you better be talented, especially on the back end.(Indiscernible) the offenses out there and doing a lot of things need guys that can be able to cover. So I like the guys we have and look forward to signing the guys we're going to sign moving forward to help us get there.

Q. Now in the second year with the early signing period, what are your further impressions of it and how has it changed your life? Is it better or worse? Different?

COACH TAGGART: Hasn't changed my life. Still gotta recruit and still gotta sell and hopefully get the young men here.You get some guys signing earlier than usual. But I think it helps now that I'm not getting the job and trying to go out and recruit some kids, and (inaudible) weeks, and so being out here is important. But more importantly, it gets you to the point where you can start on the next class a lot earlier, and you go out in January and you're not potentially running out looking for guys and (inaudible) moving on to the next class.It will be a few guys, as I said, that you can add on to this class. But for the most part you'll be moving on to the next class. And I guess from that standpoint it helps. You get some guys locked up and you get to move on early. But I don't see much difference.

Q. Jay Williams and, was it Maurice, the two offensive linemen, what do those two guys bring to the table? And, two, how much of a priority is that position, the offensive line, moving forward through the rest of the recruiting process?

COACH TAGGART: Both of those guys are really good football players. They're physical. Look at a guy like Maurice Smith, very physical at point of attack. And he really loves playing the game. He enjoys that part of it, smart player.Look at Jay Williams, a big kid that I really love the fact the way that he finishes blocks, when he's blocking. And when you get a chance to meet the kid, you'll see just a phenomenal young man that wants to be great at what he does, and has a chip on his shoulder and looking to come here and play.And I think we all understand how important the offensive line is for us. We all understand that. And that's going to always be a priority for us. Not just this class but every class that we have moving forward that we recruit -- not only just offensive line, but the offensive linemen that help us win ball games.

Q. During your first season, there was a lot of conversation about the culture and getting guys to have the same beliefs, I guess, and values that the coaching staff has. What is it about these guys you like? And how good was that last week where you had so many of those guys who stayed with you through a tough, stay committed through a tough season and the messages they delivered to the other guys who were here?

COACH TAGGART: That was good. We wanted to have all of our guys here at one time. That was the plan was to try to get as many of our guys committed here that one weekend. And it was good. We had a really good time. And it says a lot about those kids. I think when you talk about changing the culture for us, it's about getting the individuals that want to be here.I think you look at a lot of these kids, they wanted to be here and they didn't waver. And that's really important in talking about the changing the culture, and guys that will have pride in their university and do whatever they can to make sure we get this program back to the way we wanted to.I think you look at a lot of these kids, they're smart. They're tough. They're highly driven in what they get accomplished and (inaudible) better. And I think those are all things you need in trying to build a program to a winning program and to a championship-caliber football team.I think all those guys in this class, that's the one thing I'm excited about. (Inaudible) you hear a lot of things coming out of it and what we want in the football program. And I think this class is going to make a tremendous effect on our football program just with them integrating with the guys that we have here and trying to change the culture to the way we want. This class is going to help get us closer to that, to that point exactly where we want our coaching.

Q. You said, like you said, there weren't a lot of offensive signees early but you did have some. How difficult was it to recruit without an offensive coordinator? And do you have a timetable for when you want to announce that?

COACH TAGGART: I want to keep this on our recruits. I think we're close when it comes to our offensive coordinator and you guys will hear about that. We'll let you all know about that as soon as we're done and moving right along. And feel good about where we're at with it. You'll all hear that. And at the end of the day it's about our recruits. And I don't think it affected any of the guys that we're signing at all. So none of them really brought it up throughout it. So it wouldn't effect it much at all.

Q. Will you expect, with the new staff in place, could the offense -- do you expect the next level, the late signing period, a little more offensive heavy, because I think you only have three offensive recruits out of the 13?

COACH TAGGART: I wouldn't necessarily say right now is just be heavily on offense. It's going to be more on need and depth and where we need to continue to add depth to our football program. I think there's some areas on our team where we're loaded at some positions. And so it will be more just filling out your depth and your needs.

Q. How unusual was it to recruit Raymond Woodie III with a coach on staff? Have you done that before, that had a coach on staff and recruited a son?

COACH TAGGART: Not to the point where you sign them. You recruit them and it didn't get that deep. It was pretty cool with Raymond, just the same way we recruited everybody else -- in-home visits with them. And that was kind of weird for me. I've been knowing this young man since he was a shorty.So I know for me, it was a little weird for me to sit in and have our one-on-one meeting and sit down with the family. And now Coach Woodie is sitting here with me. I'm, like, what are we doing? It was different.But it was also an exciting time for me because I watched this young man grow and to see where he's at now and see the type of young man that he is, not just on the football field but socially and just how he carries himself has been great. And I'm excited to be able to watch him grow and help him grow into the young man that he wants to be.Really excited about Ray. A really good football player. And like I say, it'll be fun to watch him just develop as a football player and become this big-time college football player. And I'm glad that he's on the football team.

Q. With Kevon Glenn, just how do you -- Kevon -- on your radar throughout his high school season? And how do you go about recruiting a guy that you offer in a week and then he commits and then he signs, then, like, within a ten-day span?

COACH TAGGART: Like I said before, just because those things happen doesn't mean we don't have relationships with those kids or haven't talked to them or anything like that.Usually those things happen throughout the year and we get to know them. And a lot of times those kids know, too, if they're going to get an offer it's probably the place they want to be. And then they take it.I think with Kevon, it was an opportunity for him to get down here and get on campus and get around our staff and everyone, which he did this past weekend. And he fell in love with it.And I think also looking at depth and need, he saw a place where he can go and have an opportunity to go in and compete, and I think it worked out for both of us. Really good football player. Smart football player. Again, like I said a minute ago, the type of individual that we want in this football program.

Q. Talk about Malcolm Ray a little bit, the defensive lineman from Carol City, obviously one of the best defenses in South Florida. But what did you see in that kid that really just caught your attention that you knew you had to have that kind of kid?

COACH TAGGART: I think it was a game -- I went to watch him play -- Carol City was playing Southridge, and he caught my eye in warm-up, warm-up and stretch, and just looking at him like this. He's ready to go and he was that way the entire football game, didn't take a play off. He was upbeat and ready to go.From that point on we just really, really continued to study and watch him. And I came back and told the staff just really like that kid. We need to do as much research as we can. And make sure that he's the right fit for what we want to do. But I know from a football standpoint, he was the right fit. And we had to figure out the rest. And after doing that, we felt he was, again, what we wanted in our football program.

Q. I know you can't get into names, but there's obviously a lot of movement in the quarterback transfer market. Is that something that you guys think you'll be involved with? And how much has that changed in terms of college football from just even five years ago, 10 years ago?C

OACH TAGGART: It changed big time. You see it happening, I mean, constantly. I guess that's the way the game is going now. And it's unfortunate, but it's happening. Will we be a part of it going forward if it's going to help our football team? Absolutely. We're going to be a part of it.But, again, especially at the quarterback position, you see it's only -- (inaudible) so you see that more often with that position than most. It's different. And you gotta, I think you gotta recruit different and you've got to manage the team differently because of it now. But you gotta stay ready. It's happened often.

Q. When you're recruiting Raymond, is his dad actually like a normal dad and asking you questions -- where do you see my son fitting in? What could that possibly have been like?

COACH TAGGART: No, for a while -- I really didn't bother Coach Woodie much about it. I figured if he wanted to know anything he'll come to me. But Coach Woodie probably know me better than anybody here.So he didn't have a lot of questions. He knew what his son was getting into. And to be honest with you, I think Raymond Woodie III, he knew what he was getting into when he decided to come here, too.I know the coaches was on Coach Woodie quite a bit, like, what is Woodie thinking now? And where is he going? And when is he coming here? They were on him almost every day. And I'm sure Coach wanted to keep it to himself and let his kid enjoy recruiting like most kids like to do.But Coach Woodie really didn't ask much. I know assistant coaches gave him a lot of grief throughout the year, not (inaudible) what was going to do. That way if he went to visit somewhere else everybody be upset, like, what are we doing. But it worked out for us.

Q. You brought in a couple of other linebackers, Kalen DeLoach and Jaleel McRae. What do those two bring to the table and what impact can they have, or do you think the can have an early impact possibly?

COACH TAGGART: They're going to come in here and have a chance to compete. And that's one thing we're excited about, our quality of players that we have here. We feel like we have some really good football players in here. And all three of those guys are very athletic and can run. And I think that's really important.Again, going through the season and going up against the teams we're going against, you see how important it is to have linebackers that can run, that are physical and athletic, because they're going to be put in position where they're going to have to use those athletic abilities. But they all are great guys, smart guys and tough guys. And I'm looking forward to them coming here and compete and try to earn themselves a spot.

Q. You've talked about the quarterback room -- you've talked about the quarterback recruiting. Do you guys plan to have Deondre Francois back this season or are you looking at maybe other options as well?

COACH TAGGART: Again, we've got to add on to it. You go to add on to that (inaudible) and typically you like to have a lot more than that. So we've got to add our depth in the quarterback room. I know Deondre, he is just graduated, I applaud him for that, for accomplishing one of his dreams. And I know he's weighing his options in regard to that. But we're going to support Deondre whatever he decides to do. But that's where we're at with that.

Q. Following up on that, James didn't get to play much this past season. But I know you've been high on him in the past and he's started for the full season. If it were to be James Blackman, if Deondre was to leave to go pro or whatever else, how confident are you in James based on what he did the past season to be the guy leading that race going into next season?

COACH TAGGART: I have all the confidence in the world in James. (Inaudible) great football player. He's a good leader, shows that he can play the game of football and I'm confident that he can continue to play football and continue to get better.We saw him play when he was young. And we saw a little bit of him in one (inaudible) this year where he was able to play for us, started a game and did a good job in that. So very confident in James, his ability and knowing that he's only going to get better, again, with more reps and a whole other offseason.

Q. With not having a bowl game to prepare for, could you just give us an overview what the team's doing right now and kind of what that process is especially now that recruiting slows down a little bit?

COACH TAGGART: Well, our guys just finished up with finals. And they're going to spend time with their families and you've got a dead period here and school's out. So they're all back with their families. Again, it's a little awkward time for all of our guys. But dealing with it and they're all looking forward to getting back here in January to get back to work.

Q. You have one more guy, can you talk about him?

COACH TAGGART: The Pope. Oh. Another one. Another one in the trenches. The Pope. Dontae Lucas. He's a "war daddy." He's what I call people movers. He moves people out of the way. And he's physical and he's tough, the kind of mentality we want on our offensive line and a young man that will come here and help us, tremendously, and he's looking forward to being here, another one of the guys who have been with us and very excited about being a Nole. And excited to have him being a Nole. Really excited. The Pope.

Q. Just interacting with the Pope, Lucas's personality. He's got to be one of the guys, you talk about bringing some dogs in here, guys that kind of leadership in him, what can he do for you beyond just being a really good offensive line prospect?

COACH TAGGART: I think he's one of those guys that a lot of his peers flock to him. You see a lot of them like being around, hanging around him. He's a good, young man that his peers love being around him from that standpoint and being able to bring some leadership here as a young guy will help and work ethic coming from a winning team he understands what it takes to win.But he's also a guy that's very highly driven in what he wants. He knows what he wants. He's determined to go get it. And we love young people that's driven that way and you want to help them every which way you can to fulfill their dreams and goals and knowing that that's all they need is someone that helps someone get it. And he's one of those guys that takes advantage of the opportunity.

Q. Which of the players were good at recruiting? When kids are coming on visits who are some of the players who were helpful, current players who were helpful recruiting?

COACH TAGGART: Brooks, Amari Gainer, J-Rob, he was here this past weekend helping us out. Jalen Goss. Chaz Neal. Stanford Samuels. I think Marvin Wilson. He's a guy that -- he's a guy who could have went home early but decided to stay here in recruiting and host, which was another great sign of our guys and trying to do what they can to help our team, too, but they stayed back and hosted the kids, tried to show them a good time but also making sure they were the right kind of kid we want to bring in. So really thankful for what they've done in helping us out because they didn't have to do that. But they wanted to help their team.

Q. Did you have an inkling at all that Walt might be leaving? And if so, as a head coach, do you have in your mind this is who I'll go after if this might happen, did you think about that constantly, and did you have an inkling it might be coming?

COACH TAGGART: You always have to think that way as a head coach. We see that as just like things happen all the time. So you've always got to be ready. And I think from day one we knew that Walt Bell aspired to be a head coach one day. So you knew it was going to happen at some point. Stay ready and locked in.And I'm sure we're going to find a really good offensive coordinator to get our offense going and to get all of our Seminole fans happy and excited about Seminole football again. And I know how it was, I would never forget it, and make sure the next offensive coordinator (inaudible) when Tamorrion Terry caught that touchdown against Boston College and just heard how loud it was, in Doak Campbell, that's how it's supposed to be often. And try to make sure we get someone to come in here to make sure we're scoring a lot of points so we can hear it like that all the time. And we will. I promise you. I promise.

Q. Back to Dontae a little bit, the Pope as you call him. But --

COACH TAGGART: He calls himself that.

Q. Gene actually gave him that name. But anyway when I talked to Dontae after the visit, when he officially visited here, he said I don't want to just join a ship, I want to build a ship. What does that mean to you when you hear something like that, that your message is resonating with recruits? It's one thing with your players but to hear that from a recruit, what does that mean to you as far as that and then secondly when I talked to Jay Williams he also said he was very surprised how Maurice and Dontae were so mature and so mentally focused that the group or the Tribe of 19 they all had a same mindset we're going to go out and change things here?

COACH TAGGART: Well, we have to have the right guys. And those kind of individuals we want on our football team. And I think if you look throughout that class you'll see a lot of guys that feel the same way. And that's why they stayed with us and that's why they're there with us. That's what they wanted to be a part of. They knew what we were up against, what we're trying to get to. That's something they wanted to be a part of and again those kind of guys are the ones we want to recruit as well. And knowing that that's going to ultimately help us get back to where we all know Florida State should be.But we're not going to do it without men like that and believe in the vision. I go back to having young men that are passionate about Florida State University and it's going to be that way. It's hard to win and win consistently enough if you don't have the passion and love for your school.We've got to make sure we bring in individuals that have the love and passion for our university and make sure we go out and represent it the right way.

Q. You had to put the stats together so quickly last year. Now that you have the early signing period out of the way, you have time to figure those things out. Do you think you'll go a different direction look for a different profile of a guy with the offense?

COACH TAGGART: I try to find the right fit for our players and our staff. That's probably the most important thing. There's a lot of football coaches out there and there's a lot of them that want to be here that knows football. And it's important that we get the right fit and the right fit for our guys. And I do think having now having a year here, I understand what that fit is for our guys. I understand our players more and I understand our university a lot better.

So I really feel a lot better about finding a guy that's going to be the right fit for our players and what we need moving forward. I said before, I don't think we're far. We've just got to get (inaudible) and it will take off for us.


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