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FSU players help local boys, girls enjoy holiday shopping spree, youth camp

FSU football players helped friends from the Boys & Girls Club pick out toys for the holidays on Monday.
FSU football players helped friends from the Boys & Girls Club pick out toys for the holidays on Monday. (Bob Ferrante)

Christmas came a few days early for 50 boys and girls on Monday.

Big Man Big Heart and Rising Spear helped to organize a shopping spree, starting with $100 gift cards at Wall-Mart. A large group of Florida State players, walked kids from the Boys & Girls club through the store as they picked out toys, Nerf guns, stuffed animals, board games, food and candy.

"A lot of the kids got exactly what they wanted," said offensive lineman Dillan Gibbons, who founded Big Man Big Heart. "They really had a good time. I know a lot of these players had a lot of fun, too. I hope this makes a radical impact here in Tallahassee."

Players patiently walked around the Wal-Mart on Tennessee Street, helping them make choices and budget. Kids weighed their options and often also picked out a toy for a sibling.

After the shopping spree, the boys and girls took a bus over to FSU's indoor practice facility for a football camp. The boys and girls also received $50 gift cards from Garnet & Gold and parents received $150 gift cards.

This was the second straight year Big Man Big Heart coordinated the holiday shopping and football camp. BMBH has raised more than $450,000 for a variety of families and community service projects as well as helping those impacted by Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida.

Earlier this month, Gibbons was named FSU's first winner of the Wuerffel Trophy. The honor is presented to the college football player "who best combines exemplary community service with athletic and academic achievement."


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