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Osceola video: Mike Norvell on Byron Turner, Brock Glenn, practice No. 11

Mike Norvell discusses Florida State's 11th practice, what he has seen from defensive end Byron Turner, defensive back Azareye'h Thomas, Brock Glenn and more. He also explains why Jordan Travis has worn a camera on his helmet the last two practices.

A few quotes from Norvell on Wednesday of note:

(On Turner) "Byron dealt with some injuries last year, so it kind of hurt him a little bit on just his progression of development. But, man, he is explosive. Going back and watching the film from the scrimmage, he was one of the stars to the scrimmage, just for how impactful he was. Disruptive in the run game. Obviously showed some explosiveness in the passing game, getting to the quarterback. There's still some technique and fundamental things that he's going to have to be more consistent with. But I mean, I him, Gilber (Edmond) really taking another step in his game, which obviously does a lot to benefit having those four guys really establish themselves. And then we got a lot of versatility and growth with some of those other defensive linemen at the end position."

(On Glenn) "For a young young player, at his age and his maturity, I told him walking off the field, I love the way he takes coaching. It is a constant challenge to himself, but he is looking for all things that he can get to be better. And if he makes a mistake, you usually don't see him make it again. And that is a great trait for a young man. He's got talent. He's got your ability, but you're really seeing him take another step in his game here early in his career just because of the way that he's working. He doesn’t really let anything really rattle him. He’s got a lot of things to improve on. And he’s got a lot of growing that's in front of him. But just his mindsets is Pretty dang impressive."

(On Jordan Travis’ use of a helmet camera in practices) "We're trying to utilize all resources. Just finding different ways, perspectives. Whether it's different cameras, different angles. It's been very productive, not only for the quarterback’s perspective, but also some things for running backs, also some things for just how to communicate that we can use Jordan’s example. It's been good."

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